
The mind of your brain

The mind and the brain are different things. Everyone has a mind and a brain. The problem is that the brain has a mind of its own. So, in effect everyone has two minds. That's the reason we eat junk food even when our mind knows it's bad for us. The brain's mind does what it wants. It can stress about things that we don't want to stress about. It can give you stage fright even when you don't want it. And it can refuse to memorize things that you want to memorize. Because everyone has a second mind in their body, they need to learn to manage it. And the fortunate thing is the mind of our brain is extremely predictable. So much so that even it's mistakes are predictable. Put a handle on a door and most people will pull even when it says “push". This predictability makes it possible to manage the second mind. For instance, the brain doesn't like sudden changes in eating routines. If you try to reduce amount of food, the brain will not allow it. It will keep asking you to eat more. Go on a diet and you will rebound. But you can also use this attachment to eating routine to your advantage. If you start heavy exercise, your brain won't suddenly increase demand for food proportional to that exercise. So if you want to lose weight, do heavy weight lifting exercises for short periods of time. Because the brain doesn't like a lot of work, you should do the weight lifting in under 5 minutes. Which means, not going to the gym as it can take a lot of time to change clothes and drive to it. If you just keep 3kg weights in your room, you'd be more successful in losing weight from lifting them than using complicated equipment at the gym. The brain can be managed similarly for learning. The brian doesn't like learning things that it does not think are relevant. And decides on what is relevant based on how it connects to things it already knows. That's why it is easier to watch 20 episodes of a TV series than to read a curriculum book. In a TV shows, every next second has a direct relation with the previous one. But in curriculum books, that's rarely the case. One would read about atoms in one book(say Physics) and then about their movements(pressure, temperature) in a completely different book(Chemistry). It is possible to make it easier to learn things. But the books and the education system are not optimized for learning. Because optimizations don't exist in monopolies. And the education system is one of the longest held monopoly in the world. So if you want to learn something, you will need to make it easier for learning yourself. You should not expect it from the subject teachers.