
A World Designed of Averages, by Averages, for Averages

On average, everything in the world is designed for averages. Cars are designed for the average person that will drive the car. Because majority of the drivers are male, cars are designed for males. If a male is shorter than average, he's going to have trouble driving. If he's taller than average, the seats are going to be uncomfortable. And because majority of women are shorter than men, driving is difficult for them and accidents are also more likely. "Women tend to sit further forward than men when driving... we need to sit more upright to see clearly over the dashboard... means that we are at greater risk of internal injury on frontal collisions." - Invisible Women Similarly, apps are designed for the average user, which is people below 40. With lower contrast and smaller button sizes which makes it difficult for people over 40 who can use a knife without much trouble but cannot end a call in a single click on WhatsApp. Again, things are designed for right handed people. Scissors are impossible to use for the left handed. The power light on an iron is not visible if you're using it with your left hand. The accelerator on a bike is not easy to use because it's on the right. And it's not just things that are designed for averages, systems are also designed for averages. Consider universities. The average student is moderately interested. So universities force them to go through the study material by sitting in classes. The pace of the class is also designed for these moderately interested students. Any large organization will have multiple checks against every decision because on average some people in the organization will be stupid or dishonest or both. Companies too are designed around averages. The reward and punshiment systems are designed for the majority cases where the employee is not extremely under or over performing. So a consistently underperforming employee won't get fired. In fact, because a company is designed for the average employee who gets promoted after a certain number of years, the underperforming employee will also get promoted. The underperforming employee is only at risk of being fired if they're a prick to everyone. Being a prick just to your subordinates does not count as they don't speak up out of fear. Similarly, high IQ is unlikely to be proportionally rewarded. Companies have learned to reward effort over intelligence as that is the differentiator among average IQs. So the same outcome if achieved by a group of 10 people over 2 months is given more value than if achieved by a single person in an hour, in which case it is considered something that must've been easy to begin with without regard to the mental leaps involved.